Sunday, January 5, 2025

Borknagar - Quintessence (2000)

The fourth album from this band from Norway.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, synths and vocals.

The band returned again for their fourth album. This comes with a new drummer as Asgeir from Spiral Arcitects had joined the band.

This album broke the band as a more mainstream extreme metal band instead of being just a black metal band. It put the band on the map.

The reason for their break through is mainly the song Colossus which is a song which comes across as a mix of a black metal and a more prog metal song.

The music here is still symphonic black metal with some progressive metal influences. The music is harder and less melodic than what Dimmu Borgir did at the same time. It is less progressive than Enslaved and Opeth.

There are some synths here which is adding to the massive, bold sound on this album. The vocals are in the black metal mould. Rasping, hoarse vocals. There are also some short pieces of clear vocals here too.

There are a few good pieces of music here and some substandard pieces.

This is a pretty good album, well worth checking out if you can deal with the massive sound and the vocals.

2.5 points

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