Thursday, August 29, 2024

Athak - Renaissance (2024)

The tenth or so album from this band from Hong Kong.

The band is a duo with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, organ, piano, moog and vocals.

This band has released around ten albums on their Bandcamp page and all of them are available for downloads. Paid downloads, that is. 

I got this album emailed to me and has decided to review this album as a flavour of what you can expect from this band.

The music is zeuhl. It is a light version of zeuhl and Magma's take on zeuhl. The zeuhl also has some indie rock influences. Hence the light tag I would put on their take on zeuhl.

The music is therefore not partical heavy and the vocals are light. There is a very good Rhodes organ here which is the main instrument. The guitars are also good. 

This is by no means a bad album. It is an half an hour long album and indeed a band which should greatly interest everyone into zeuhl. 

Check it out.

2.5 points

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