Friday, May 10, 2024

Carpet - Collision (2024)

The fifth album from this band from Germany.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards, flugelhorn, trumpet and vocals.

I have been reviewed a couple of their previous five albums, They are all good albums.

Their music is a mix of psych rock and art-rock.

Melodic rock with some progressive rock influences, lots of vocal harmonies and some woodwinds added to spice up the music.

The music is mid-tempo and not particular heavy or hard. There is a lot of muscles in their music and the music is not soft my any means. 

There is indeed some underlying menace in the music. 

The vocals and the guitars are good. The only thing letting this album down is the quality of the songs. This three quarters of an hour long album is ticking along quite nicely, with a mix of decent and good songs. Mostly decent and therein lays the problem with this album.

This album is not their finest three quarters of an hour. It is still worth checking out.

2.5 points

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