Sunday, February 12, 2023

Sustain - Sustain (1978)

The debut album from this band from Holland.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, saxophones, keyboards and vocals.

This band released altogether two albums before they gave up the ghost. The main reason may have been that their type of music was as fashionable as rabies back in those days. Punk and barbarism had taken over the scene.

The music on this album is a mix of symphonic prog, brass rock and fusion.

The vocals is decent, the narration is laughable horrible and the musicians has done a decent job.

This three quarters of an hour long album has got a faint smell of turkey. Or a more than faint smell of turkey. The smell is pretty strong. 

Nevertheless, there are some decent music here too and that saves this album from being included in my extensive collection of turkeys. This is not an album well worth chasing.

1.5 points




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