Monday, September 25, 2023

Tryo - Suramérica (2023)

The seventh album from this band from Chile.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, gongs, percussion, djembe, electric vibraphone, bass, guitars, cello, electric cello, horn and vocals.

Some guests added charango, bass, cuena, piano and vocals.

Tryo continues with their blend of latin rock/pop, latin progressive rock and fusion. It is their style and their own corner in the progressive rock and fusion genres. 

We get a lot of references to the South-American  symphonic prog scene in the 1970s on this album. Ditto for the fusion and pop scene.

The music is at times pretty hard too. There is also some latin folk rock here and those pieces of music is pretty pastoral.

This album also sees the band detaching themselves more from the fusion scene and sees them moving more towards progressive rock. The music is still elegant and has a good fusion vibe.

This album is not as good as their previous two albums. It is still a good album and the band is still one of the best bands from South America.

3 points




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