Monday, May 27, 2024

Coal & Crayon - Beneath The Moral Void (2024)

The third album from this band from Germany.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars and vocals.

The band had taken a long break after their second album and this is their return. I have not heard their first two albums but that is all I know.

The music on this fifty minutes long album is a mix of post-metal as in Anathema and prog metal as in Fates Warning. There are also some pretty big djent and post-rock influences here.

The vocals is pretty good with some death metal grunts inbetween the clean vocals.

The sound is dominated by the guitars. There are some good guitar harmonies here and some good riffs.

The music is therefore pretty hard and pretty harsh. It still has some good melodies.

The result is a good album and one well worth checking out. 

3 points



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