Thursday, June 6, 2024

Le Orme - Il Leone e la Bandiera (2024)

The 23th album from this band from Italy.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, piano, organ, keyboards, synths and vocals.

The band is back again from the rather disappointing last year's album titled And Friends. 

The band is back with original music this time and in a band format.

The music is classic 1970s RPI. It comes complete with some very good Italian vocals and the usual Le Orme's take on ELP like symphonic prog. 

As in their best days, there is indeed a lot of ELP influences here. But most of all, this forty-five minutes long album, which also include two live versions of songs already on this album, is a great reminder how good this band was in the 1970s. 

The sound is lush, warm and great. The music is very good, despite of those two live tracks. Le Orme is back and back with a vengeances. I did not expect this to happen and this is the biggest nice surprise of the year.

3.5 points

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