Sunday, September 1, 2024

Phaedra - Norn (2024)

The third album from this band from Italy.

The band is a sextet on this album with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

Phaedra has returned again eleven years after their last album, the 2013 album Beyond The Storm. I have reviewed that album and their 2010 debut album Ptah in # 1 of this blog.

I really rate this band and their two first albums was both very good RPI albums. 

Their music on Norn is classic RPI. 

The music is both symphonic, epic and complex. The tempo is both mid-tempo and pastoral. The longest song on this one hour long album is clocking in at twenty-four minutes. The four other songs are also around the ten minutes mark.

The male and female vocals here is great. Both the operatic and the more clean vocals. The lyrics are in Italian and that suits the music perfect.

There are some keyboards generated moog and mellotrons here too and that gives the music a great classic 1970s RPI sound.

The result is a great album and perhaps the best RPI album of the year... so far. This is an obligatory purchase for anyone into RPI.... and symphonic prog.

4 points





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