Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Pacific Eardrum ‎- Pacific Eardrum (1977)

The debut album from this band from New Zealand.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards, saxophones and vocals.

This band released two albums during the two years this band was around. That is all I know about this band. A review of their second album will soon be added too.

The music is a mix of pop-rock, funk, soul, r'n'b and fusion.

The vocals is mainly female vocals. There is a lot of male vocals too.

The music is very commercial..... anno 1977. It is even today pretty commercial. The music is also groovy with some very good vocals.

This music probably filled the dance floors back then on these two islands down under. It has a positive vibe and surely added a lot of joy to the cultural scene in that country. Some of the music is slightly cheesy, though.

It is still a decent album and worth checking out.

2 points



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