Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Vuoti A Rendere - Baciati Dall'Inganno (2015)

The debut album from this band from Italy.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, piano, keyboards, saxophones and vocals.

This band released two albums and one single through Bandcamp before they gave up. 

Their music is a form of quirky RPI with a lot of eclectic kompositions who are leaning towards both jazz, psych and beat.

There is some strong 1960s influences here and I have heard others describe the music as proto-RPI. That may be a good label.

There is a lot of saxophones and piano here. The vocals are rather good, but still quirky.

In short, this is not the conventional, usual progressive rock album. 

The quality is somewhere between decent and good. I am not entirely won over, but I understand where they comes from. Check out this album.

2.5 points

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