Thursday, May 30, 2024

After Crying - Föld És Ég (1994)

The third album from this band from Hungary.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, cello, guitars, keyboards, piano, synths, flute, trumpet, narrations and vocals.

The band continued on with their brand of symphonic prog. A brand that sounds a bit alien to us here in the west and the rest of the world.

Large parts of this album is very influenced by Keith Emerson and ELP. These parts sounds like a homage to Keith and his band mates in ELP.

The other parts of this one hour long album is more like hymns in the Magyar language. Hymns performed by both vocals and a trumpet. Strange music indeed. There are also some pieces of acoustic guitars here.

The music is both weird and exotic. This in the airs of us who are used to more western music. This is another one of their albums who require time and dedication from the listeners. Easy listening music, it is not.

After a while, the qualities becomes evident. This is indeed a good album. ELP and symphonic prog fans should and must check out this album.

3 points

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