Monday, June 10, 2024

Ruphus - Let Your Light Shine (1976)

The third album from this band from Norway.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards, flute and vocals.

A guest, Terje Rypdal, added arp synths.

A new album from this band and a new genre/style to explore.

The band has jumped over to the fusion genre on this album. 

The album is really jazz orientated throughout. From Gudny Aspaas jazzy delivery of the voices and sometimes words in the vocals, to the guitars and the keyboards.

This is indeed a jazzy album. This from a band who were a Yes and 'Tull hybrid on their first two albums. The band knows how to confuse their fans. Those still around on this album, that is.

The band and vocalist does a good job and the music is really good. Which serves as a reminder that the musicians in Ruphus was among the elite in Norwegian music back then. 

Ditto for the songs writers too as the music is good throughout. 

This is another good album from this band. A band I would rate as one of the best prog rock bands from Norway based on their first three albums. There are three more albums to review.....

3 points

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