Monday, September 9, 2024

Sjs - A Sequence Of Mistakes (2024)

The third album from this band from Australia.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

A guest delivered female vocals on two songs.

This band is lead by Stuart J Stawman whose initials gives the name to the band. Three albums has so far been released and they are all up for reviews in the coming weeks. 

I have yet to be impressed by this band as their first two albums were pretty pedestrian. 

The music on this, their new album is a mix of art-rock, psych rock and ambient music. 

The musical landscape, the soundscape, is a desolate landscape. The only signs of life is small forms of life. Transferred to music, the melodies and vocals is very softly spoken. The songs are not much different from each other and this albums therefore has one big piece of music, a fifty minutes long piece of music.

This album is full of details and breathes through them. 

The guitar and vocal harmonies are good to very good. Despite of being pretty ambient and softly spoken, these details really makes this album to what it is. A good album. 

This album is most of all an album that requires the full attention from the listener as it is a pretty useless album used as background noise. Don't do that. Approach it as one album you need to give 100 % of your attention. Don't drive anywhere with this album on the car stereo.

This is indeed a good album and one to check out.

3 points



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