Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Of Petra - So Onto Itself (2018)

The second album from this band from England.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, keyboards, computers and guitars.

This album and their debut album has been released as a name your price through Bandcamp and the link can be found here.

As I stated in my review of their debut album; the band and music reminds me a lot about the bands Moonjune Records has released. There is even some good Soft Machine, the Allan Holdsworth era, influences. 

To this, the band has added some more avant-garde themes and added some samples. That include some female spoken words samples.

The music is an ounce more avant-garde as a result. It is not straight forward fusion.

There is plenty of fusion here to make the fusion fans happy.

The result is a good album this time around. I also hope the band is still around.

Check out this album.

3 points




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