Monday, September 2, 2024

Tai Phong - Return of the Samurai (2013)

The fifth album from this band from France.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of guitars, piano, keyboards, synths, programming and vocals.

Numerous guests added drums, bass, guitars, banjo, piano. keyboards and vocals.

The band reformed again for a new album, thirteen years after their comeback album. The band has taken long breaks between their albums as we had to wait another eight years again for their latest album. More about that album in my review of that album later this month.

The music on this album is glam-pop music with some The Corrs influences. In short, some folk rock influences. There are a few goth influences here too.

The music is rather catchy and very commercial and slick.

The music is not entirely a disaster as there is some decent songs here. Some of the pieces of music on this fifty minutes long album is cringe worthy and something I would like to forget.

This is not anywhere as good as their first two albums and this album is best avoided.

1.5 points



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