Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wyatt. Robert - Radio Experiment Rome... (2009)

The ninth album from this artist from Great Britain.

Robert Wyatt did all instruments here. That is percussion, harp, piano, keyboards and vocals.

This album was recorded for and by a radio station in Rome, Italy back in 1981. It was an experiment, indeed. 

The music is ambient and improvised. The lyrics are left-wing and some praise for the communists in China. Very naive, taking into account how murderous that regime was back then. Not that they have improved a lot in that respect these days....

A lot of things are being used/misused as percussion and Robert uses his voice both as vocals and as an instrument.

On paper, this sounds horrible. But actually, it is not that horrible. Yes, this is an album I will never ever play again. Nevertheless, some parts of this album is pretty engaging and charming.

The result is a half-decent album but nothing more than that. 

1.5 points

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