Thursday, June 13, 2024

Necromandus - Necromandus (2017)

The second album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

The band album debuted in 1973 with an album called Orexis Of Death (later to be released on CD in 1999). I reviewed that album in November 2011 for ProgArchives and you can find my review there. I have also reviewed their live album for ProgArchives.

I did not expect to find another album from this band. But I recently found it. I have fond memories of Orexis Of Death and therefore got their follow up album.

The band has actually reformed and were active for a short while. That included a visit to a studio and this album. An album I suspect was released some years after it was recorded.

Orexis Of Death sounded like a progressive rock version of the first three Black Sabbath albums. Where that band sold zillions of album, Orexis Of Death flopped. 

Their second album still has some 'Sabbath influences. The music is mostly straight forward hard rock from the 1970s.

The vocals is good and the band does a good job on some substandard songs. The quality of the song writing is sorely lacking. This is still a decent album and hard rock fans should check out this album.

2 points

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