Sunday, May 12, 2024

Guillotine Spring - Eclosion (2024)

The debut album from this band from Great Britain.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars and vocals.

This band rose from the ashes of the British band Galley Beggar. I am pretty sure I have reviewed at least one of their albums. Indeed I have.... I reviewed their third album Silence And Tears (2015) back in June 2015 for # 1 of this blog.

Their music was acid folk rock. Guillotine Spring continues down this genre with Eclosion. 

The vocals is mainly female vocals and Maria O'Donnel has a very good voice. There are some male backing vocals too.

The music is songs based. The few instrumental pieces here are good and add a lot of acid to this acid folk rock album. Ditto for the vocals  too.

The songs on this forty-three minutes long album are all good. That makes this a good album and an album all fans of acid folk rock and folk rock in general should check out.

3 points



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