Wednesday, May 22, 2024

King's X - Manic Moonlight (2001)

The ninth album from this band from USA.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, loops and vocals.

The band had lost their way on the last couple of albums. They seemed unsure about their footing and were confused about the poor album sales. Neither the band or their record label, the extreme metal record label Metal Blade, had figured out what to do.

So the band tried to be broaden out their sound. Become a bit harder. 

This is a heavy album. Most of their The Beatles influences has gone. They had been replaced by electronica and rap music influences. There is not much of it.

Thankfully, some of the good old King's X harmonies is still with us on this album.

The songs are pretty decent. Nevertheless, this is their weakest album so far and one best avoided unless you are a fan and want everything from them.

2 points

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