Monday, August 26, 2024

Alwanzatar - Engsyre (2024)

The 10th album from this one-man-band from Norway.

Krizla does all the electronics here.

It is my understanding that Krizla is a member of Tusmorke and that this is his electronica solo project.

I was not impressed at all by the ninth album Kosmisk Skrekk from 2022. Hence, I was not too eager to review this album released some months ago.

The music on this fifty minutes long album, which is amongst others also available through Bandcamp, is indeed electronica. But there is more to this album than just electronica.

Take some neo-classical music and add some space rock and cinematiic rock too. Then add lots of electronica.

The music is pretty melodic throughout. It is also pretty clever too. 

The main theme on this album is North-African and Middle-East folk music. That adds a lot of value to this music. This clever music.

The result is a decent album. I am still not won over by Krizla. Nevertheless, this is album is not bad at all.

2 points

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