Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Semiramis - La Fine Non Esiste (2024)

The second album from this band from Italy.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of vibraphone, drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, synths, organs, flute and vocals.

The band released their debut album more than fifty years ago and nobody expected to hear a single more tone from this band again. At least, not a brand new studio album. 

The drummer and vibraphonist Paolo Faenza is the only original member left and he has been joined by five young musicians in today's version of this band.

Another remarkable thing here is that the band has updated the sound from the debut album and then written and recorded six new songs, forty minutes of music in the same vein as the debut album.

That means some quite heavy and lively RPI. The music here is harder than most other RPI albums. Due to the much more muscular and clearer production and sound on this album, the music here sounds harder than the debut album. And that album was a very hard RPI album.

The new and clear sound has also added a lot to these songs. The vocals are also good and that helps a lot.

The music is pretty hard but also very much RPI. That means lush instrumentation and vocals. The music is also quirky too. There is a lot of strange twists and turns on this album.

This is indeed a remarkable comeback and a remarkable album. It is also a very good album and one to check out. It is one of the highlights among the RPI albums released this year. 

3.5 points

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