Sunday, June 18, 2023

Perséide - Rites païens (2018)

The debut album from this band from Canada.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, sitar, organ, synths and vocals.

This band from Quebec has so far released three albums and I got them all for reviews this summer.

Earlier this year, I reviewed the four Barrdo albums. A band with a very original sound and take on progressive rock. The band is from the same area as Perseide. 

Both Perseide and Barrdo should indeed be regarded as associate members of the Quebec scene... if not fully paying members of this scene.

The music on the half an hour long Rites Paiens is a bit difficult to describe. Take a bit grunge, add some of the melody sensibilities of The Beatles, Rush and Led Zeppelin. There are also the folk rock symphonic prog from Harmonium here.

There is some hard edges in the music on this album too. The vocals, French, is good. 

Most of the music is melancholic and pretty pastoral. But the band rocks off now and then.

The result is a pretty unique, good album and a great way to introduce themselves. 

3 points

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