Monday, January 30, 2023

Zed & I Bolidi Lenti - Zed & I Bolidi Lenti (2022)


The debut album from this band from Italy.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This band comes from Naples in the south of Italy and has been around for the last twelve years. 

The band members are grown ups and I suspect the band was happy to run the band as a live act and a hobby project before they recorded and released this album.

That is a great attitude and one I applaud.

The music is middle of the road classic RPI. The band has been greatly influenced by the likes of PFM and that is obvious.

The sound is the organic RPI sound from the 1970s. With some modification and technical improvements, off course. The sound is good. The vocals is good too. The vintage organ and guitar sound is most welcome.

There is no great songs here and some of the songs falls a bit short. The sound makes up for it and makes this a good album.

Everyone into RPI should check out this album.

3 points



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