Monday, January 15, 2024

Fish On Friday - Black Rain (2020)

The fifth album from this band from Belgium.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, mandolin, Chapman stick, keyboards and vocals.

One guest added female vocals.

I had almost forgotten this band until a copy of their new, released last year, album dumped into my inbox. That's when I discovered they had released two albums since the 2017 Quiet Life album I reviewed for # 2 of this blog some years ago. A good album.

Hence I now have their two latest albums and a review of their latest album will be added in some days time. 

Black Rain is an hour long album. The music is a mix of neo-prog, art rock and commercial psych rock. The latter one means Pink Floyd.

There are a mix of male and female vocals here. There is a lot of vocal harmonies here. The music is packed around these vocals and harmonies. That means not so many interesting details and instrumental melodies.

The music sounds too wishy washy. The quality is not on par with their previous albums.

The result is an album somewhere between decent and good. I hope their newest album is better but I fear this is not the case.

2.5 points



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