Friday, June 7, 2024

Prucel - Easy Pieces (1975)

The one and only album from this band from Norway.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, piano, mellotron, organ, keyboards, synths and vocals.

The band was formed in the Oslo region, played the two most legendary festivals there, released this album and then split up. The musicians has been active in other bands after the split up.

This album is just under half an hour long and the music is west coast pop/rock with some prog rock influences. Middle of the road, MOR, is also a fitting label here.

The music is both guitars and piano dominated. There are some mellotron here too. 

The vocals is good. The musicians does their best on some songs who are too anonyme too really shine brightly. The music feels too dated too.

The music is not too bad though and this is a decent album. Check it out of soft prog and west coast pop/rock is your thing.

2 points

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