Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Soft Machine - Other Doors (2023)

The 13th album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, saxophones, fender rhodes piano, flute and electronics.

A guest added bass on two tracks.

This band started out as Soft Machine Legacy before they reverted back to Soft Machine again. This because most of the band members had been members of the good old Soft Machine many decades ago. Soft Machine Legacy should have kept the Soft Machine name from the very start too. This in hindsight. 

The "new" Soft Machine, and indeed Soft Machine Legacy, has seen the band become a more jazz band than a fusion band. 

The jazz is dense and it is at times pastoral and the music is not as melodic. The music is also pretty avant-garde at times.

The music is also good throughout. The musicians does a great job on this album who sadly became the Nucleus/Soft Machine drummer John Marshall's final album before he passed away some weeks ago.

3 points


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