Monday, November 20, 2023

Voivod - Infini (2009)

The 12th album from  this band from Canada.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars and vocals.

This is the second album based on and inspired by some guitar demos left behind by the sadly departed guitarist Denis D'Amour. The previous album Katorz from 2006 was the first of these two albums.

Voivod were and still is a unique band who went their own ways. Something I and everyone else both respect and admire.

The music on Infini is not dissimilar to the first post D'Amour album. That means a mix of post punk, post metal, thrash metal, grunge and progressive metal.

The music is pretty hard and a bit harder than on Katorz. There are also some nice hooks here and the vocals is pretty good.

Not everything is good here and I am not entirely won over by this album.

This is another almost-there album. It is still a pretty respectable album.

2.5 points

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