Saturday, May 25, 2024

Vuoti a Rendere - Ruggine (2016)

The second and final album from this band from Italy.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, saxophones, electric piano, organ and vocals.

This album was released and is still available on their Bandcamp page together with an EP and their debut album. An album I reviewed earlier this month. An album which did not impress me. 

Their music is a form of quirky RPI with a lot of eclectic kompositions who are leaning towards both jazz, psych and beat. Some has described their music as proto-RPI.

The vocals are good here. The music is really quirky and based on a fusion of guitars, saxophones and organ.

This album is clocking in at just under half an hour. The music is decent enough. It is not an impressive album and their music is limited in scope.... and commercial viability. Collectors of RPI albums, like myself, should check out this band. The rest of you.....

2 points

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