Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bird Race - Armies Of Birds (2021)

The second album from this band from Great Britain.

This is a one-man-band run by Steve Satori who does all the drums, bass, guitars, vocals and keyboards. 

A female vocalist added some vocals.

Steve Satori has under this name released three albums through Bandcamp. I reviewed the good debut album last week and will review the third, brand new album sometimes in the next week or two. 

I really love Steve Satori's choice of art-work. That goes for this and the new album. OK, it also goes for the first album although I got my reservations...

Nevertheless.... the important thing here is the music. 

The music reminds me a lot about early Roxy Music. The vocals are also a bit like Bryan Ferry here. Mostly in the deliveries of the vocals and not so much of any likeness between Bryan Ferry and Steve Satori. 

The music also got some new romantics influences... well, a lot of it. 

The music is mostly pomp rock/pop. 

The quality is really good.... mostly good and this is an album which should appeal to progheads into more melodic but still clever pomp rock/pop.

3 points



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