Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Zappa. Frank - Joe's Garage Act I, II & III (1979)

The 22nd album from this artist from USA.

Frank Zappa did the guitars and vocals here.

He got help from numerous guests who added drums, percussion, bass, guitars, harmonica, strings, woodwinds, keyboards and backing vocals.

Joe's Garage I, II & III is the double album which defines Frank Zappa as an artist and song-writer. The almost two hours of music here.

The music range from doo-wop to children rhyme like songs with offensive, stupid lyrics to more rock, jazz and long guitar solos.

The jazz pieces and the guitar solos is the best pieces here. The more cynical observations of the western culture is also expressed in some of the songs. The part of our culture where females are treated like pieces of meat. The problem with his lyrics is that they do not express if he approve of these views on women, just observe them or condemn them. Frank Zappa went to his grave without clarifying his views on women. That means some of the biographies has branded him as a sexist. 

The lyrics on this album does not really do Frank Zappa's reputation any favour.

Most of the music is good though and this is a good album. It is also his best selling album of all time and a minor icon of our western culture.

3 points

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