Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Exdirectory - Forgotten Dreams, Forgotten Tales (2024)

The debut album from this band from Germany.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars and vocals.

This is a new name to me. They have previously, in 2020 and 2021, released two EPs through Bandcamp.

Their music is not easy to label. 

Their base camp is psych rock. Then add a lot of indie rock and some mainstream rock, post-rock, krautrock, art-rock and neo-prog. 

The vocals is good and the music is melodic. The music sounds fresh as a piece of fresh salad from the vegetable desk in a local supermarket.

The music is also slightly melancholic too.

The art of good song writing is yet to be mastered by this band. Hence... I am afraid this album falls a bit short. Nevertheless, this is an acceptable debut album and a good basis for further albums and touring.

2.5 points

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