Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Alvarado. Leon - The Changing Tide (2024)

The fifth album from this artist from Venezuela.

Leon Alvarado does the drums, bass, effects, keyboards and vocals here.

He got help from a dozen of guests who provided bass, guitars, cello, viola, violin, saxophone, keyboards and backing vocals.

This is my first meeting with his music as I have yet to sample his first four albums. Leon is now residing in New York, USA where he is active in the world wide music business. 

The music on the first four albums has been mostly instrumental symphonic prog. This is what I have been told. 

His music is also very inspired by Pink Floyd too. The music on this album is very much leaning on this band's three albums Dark Side Of The Moon, A Momentary Lapse Of Reason and in particular..... The Division Bell.

Those three Pink Floyd albums merged together is what is mostly influencing this three quarters of an hour long album.

That means long guitar solos and some more or less distorted keyboards with the rest of the instruments sporadic on the top. At the end of this album, we also get a good version of Brain Damage from Pink Floyd's signature album Dark Side Of The Moon.

The original music on The Changing Tide is both good and entertaining. Pink Floyd fans should and must lap up this album. This album should also make fans of melodic progressive rock happy too.

Check out this album.

3 points

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