Monday, July 8, 2024

After Crying - Show (2003)

The sixth album from this band from Hungary.

The band was an eight piece big band with a lineup of percussion, drums, bass, guitars, cello, violin, trumpet, grand piano, keyboards, synths, programming, narration and vocals.

Around a dozen guests added woodwinds, narration and vocals.

This is the second to last album from this band from Hungary. I reviewed their final album Creatura for # 1 of this blog back in November 2012. I was not impressed by that album.

But back to Show again. I guess this is the soundtrack for a show the band had. This seventy minutes long album sounds like a soundtrack, rock opera or a musical.

There is a lof of musicals like songs here and lots of neo-classical music performed with grand piano, strings and woodwinds. The English vocals are both male and female. Some of them are pretty operatic too.

The music is very, very varied. 

It is never really good though. It is a decent enough album though.

My impression of this band ? Their first three - four albums means this band a band to check out. Show is an album well worth avoiding though.

2 points


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