Sunday, June 9, 2024

Giardino degli Specchi. Il - Oltremare (2018)

The debut album from this band from Italy.

The band is a trio with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass and guitars.

I reviewed their second and most recent album, the 2022 album Monstrum back in December 2022 for this blog and quite liked that album. So I wanted to go back to their debut album too and review it. Which I have now done, very much delayed.

The music is melodic instrumental post-rock.

There is a lot of ebbs and flows here.  

The music is very nice on the ear but does not have that much of an own identity. This album is a reminder how effective and nice post-rock can be. How relaxing on the ear and mind after a busy day. 

And I have to admit I like this album better than their new album. This is indeed a good album and one post-rock fans should pick up.

3 points

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