Saturday, May 18, 2024

Pacific Eardrum - Beyond Panic (1978)

The second and final album from this band from New Zealand.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, keyboards, saxophone, flute and vocals.

The band continued on from their debut album. New Zealand was back then some real backwaters of the modern music world. No internet and the trade relations and travels between the main rock and pop scenes in Great Britain/USA and New Zealand/Australia was pretty poor. 

Hence, you got bands like Pacific Eardrum who by all standards was outdated and out of tune with every scene and trend there was.

The forty-five minutes long album starts with some jazzy pop where the soft and passionate female vocals is dominating the soundscape. The music is bordering to both soul and disco.

The final half of the album is soft jazzy rock and jazz. 

The quality of the music is half decent. This album is neither a turkey or a decent album. It is just a forgetable album only saved by the decent jazz to be found here.

1.5 points

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