Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ten Jinn - Wildman (1997)

The debut album from this band from USA.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, Chapman stick, keyboards and vocals.

A guest added additional guitars.

I reviewed their so far latest album, the 2023 album Ardis, in June last year and I added that I would revisit the band and review their first five albums. Hence this review and the fortcoming reviews this autumn.

The band has carved out a niche in the neo-prog scene as a pop influenced neo-prog. 

The sound and vocals is very thin and not as muscular as per usual from neo-prog productions. Hence, the band sounds like a neo-prog band anno 1980-83. 

The Chapman stick sometimes sounds like a sitar and that add some colours to this album. Colours and quality. The vocals is good.

The music is very art-pop orientated throughout and there is not many interesting details here. The music is also lacking in quality. Fans of 1980s neo-prog should check out this album and band. 

2 points

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