Thursday, July 13, 2023

Popol Ace - Curly Sounds (1978)

The fourth and final album from this band from Norway.

The band was a quintet on this album with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, synths and vocals.

Some woodwind players and female vocalists are adding woodwind and backing vocals. 

The original vocalist Jahn Teigen had left the band. His replacement was Asa Krogtoft from Saft. A very poor replacement although the vocals here is not too bad. They are just not great.

It also seems like any artistic ambitions/the budget for a good album cover had left the band. Hence the poor, poor cover art-work. 

The art-work itself serves as a big warning against approaching/buying this album.

What's left is some funk and poorly crafted light pop. There is some west-coast rock here too. There is even some Bad Company references here. 

This album is a borderline turkey. But a handful of the songs are decent enough and saves this album from being included in my large collection of turkeys. 

Nevertheless, stick to their first three albums and avoid this one.

1.5 points

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