Thursday, February 29, 2024

Artefactron - Artefactron (2022)

The debut album from this band from Mexico.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This album was released two years ago through their own webpage. It has been released both on CD, LP and off course as a stream.

The cover art work is very attractive and draws the viewers. The hope is that this is a symphonic prog album..

.. And that is not far from the truth.

Take a lot of RPI - Progressive Italian Rock, and then add some neo-prog and symphonic prog.

The vocals are in Spanish and they are great. 

The music is very lush and colourful. The album has a very good balance between some pretty melodic music and some far more complex music.

The balance between the keyboards and guitars are good. The album is at it's best when the cascades of keyboards is running through some more complex music.

This is easily one of the best albums from 2022 and a very good album in it's own right.

Get this album.

3.5 points

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