Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My Dying Bride - Feel The Misery (2015)

The 13th album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, violin, keyboards and vocals.

This sextet returned again with a new album of doom and gloom.

This band has their own style, own genre and their own niche in the music world. For those unfamiliar with this genre.... it is symphonic funeral doom metal. 

There is a lot of death metal grunts on this album. The music is pretty symphonic at places. The tempo varies between slow and mid-tempo.

The band has reconnected with how they were on their first two albums and has upgraded that sound with these new songs recorded twenty-five years after their debut album. This is therefore a pretty crushing heavy album. Heavy but also melodic and somber. 

The quality of the music is very good throughout this album. This is indeed a very good album and one that I would recommend to their fans and those who wonder what this band is all about. 

3.5 points

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