Monday, June 3, 2024

Minas - Rigid Adherence (2021)

The fourth album from this band from Norway.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars and vocals.

The band operated under the name Minas Tirith during their first three albums and EPs. I have reviewed their albums and EPs and rate this band highly. Minas Tirith was and still is Norway's answer to King's X. Very popular among the musicians but unknown to the general music lovers. A great shame !

The band reunited in 2015, minus one member, and shortened their name to Minas. This is an self-released album through Bandcamp.

The music on this album is slightly quirky progressive metal with some grunge influences. There are some clear hints of the good old Minas Tirith here but they are not many.

Most of the music is straight forward songs.

The quality is decent enough. I would still go for the first three Minas Tirith albums and the EP instead of this album if you want something from this band. Minas is just a shadow of what Minas Tirith was in their days.

2 points



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