Monday, July 29, 2024

Spooky Tooth - Spooky Two (1969)

The second album from this band from Great Britain.

The band was a quintet on this album with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, organ, piano, keyboards, harmonica and vocals.

I was not impressed by their debut album. A pretty dire album with a mix of rock, beat, blues and psych rock. An album best ignored.

The band returned again the year after.

They had developed their music and gotten rid of the surplus fat. Most of it, that is. The music is now psych rock with some blues and hard rock influences. There is even some soul here too.

The songs are far, far better. The album also includes the "hit song" Better By You who was later covered by Judas Priest on their Stained Glass album and who later landed them, Judas Priest, in a court case accused for including subliminal messages in the song written by Spooky Tooth. Incredible..... Judas Priest won the moronic court case, btw.

That song is one of the many decent to good songs here. It is the heaviest song here. The rest of the music is hard and muscular blues based psych rock.

There are a couple of pretty dire songs here and a couple of good songs here. The rest of the songs are decent and this is an album well worth checking out.

2.5 points



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