Sunday, November 12, 2023

Cross. Daniel - Tales from the Forgotten Realm (2023)

The second album from this artist from USA.

Daniel Cross did all the keyboards and computers on this album.

I was not impressed by the debut album released earlier this year. Hence... My expectations were not high.

This album sees Daniel take on the middle ages. This throughout these thirty-five minutes.

The music is dark, gothic and symphonic neo-classical music from the start. The opening half of this album is not particular good as the music is pretty much repeating itself.

The final half of this album lightens up a bit and there is some good ideas introduced. These fifteen minutes is the best pieces of music Daniel has ever released and they show that there may be some hope after all.

I suspect we will hear a lot more from Daniel Cross in the future. This album is somewhere between decent and good.

2.5 points



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