Saturday, April 6, 2024

Motorpsycho - The Tussler (1994)

The fourth album from this band from Norway.

The band was a trio with a lineup of bass, mandolin, guitars, violin, banjo, recorder and vocals.

A handful of guests added drums, percussion, bass, harmonica, guitars, piano, keyboards and vocals.

This is one of the oddest choices an established band has ever done. A complete weird choice and a massive album full of irony.

This is a country and western album.

Not only that.... the country and western is old style. There is therefore some bluegrass here too.

The music is close to being unlistenable for a reviewer who abhor country and western. I am not even sure what kind of score I should give this album. I am not sure if I should have written and published this review.

This album is abhorrent and horrible. It is a turkey like the vast majority of that genre is.

Turkeys is mostly farmed in the area in USA where country and western is most popular. That is what you can read into this score. Avoid.

1 point



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