Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bardic Depts. The - What We Really Like In Stories (2024)

The third album from this band from Great Britain.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards, clarinet, saxophone and vocals.

This band is the continuation of a band called Birzer Bandana who released some albums before they broke up. Dave Bandana does the bass, keyboards and vocals on this album. I have reviewed their albums.

I have also reviewed the first two The Bardic Depts albums

Their music is a blend of symphonic prog, art-rock and psych rock.

Take Neal Morse and blend it with Spock's Beard, Big Big Train and Pink Floyd.  

The music is melodic with some mid tempo pieces. 

The sound is warm, homely as the cover art. The saxophones is adding a lot to this good humoured take on progressive rock.

The result is a good album and one well worth checking out. Ditto for their first two albums too. This band should get some more attention.

3 points

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