Monday, September 2, 2024

Coma Rossi - Void (2024)

The second album from this band from India.

The band is a duo with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, harmonium, keyboards and vocals.

A guest added vocals on one track.

I really love their very good self-titled debut from 2018. See my review in # 2 of this blog.

Their music is a mix of post-rock, psych-rock and some post-metal. It is like Sigur Ros meets Riverside, Porcupine Tree and Pink Floyd.  

There is a lot of guitar walls here and that is the main instruments who drives the music forward. 

It is these mid-tempo walls of guitars which really defines this band and album. There are some pastoral moments too and some heavy metal sounding moments too. 

The music are pretty good throughout this fifty minutes long album and it is clear that the band has something to offer the world. I hope they still continue to release albums in the future.

2.5 points



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