Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Tangerine Dream - Electronic Meditation (1970)

The debut album from this band from Germany.

The band was a trio with a lineup of percussion, bass, guitars, violin, cello, farfisa organ, piano and some voices.

This band is the biggest ever band in the electronic prog rock genre and legends. This is also a genre I have successfully been avoiding, with a handful of exceptions, since I started out reviewing prog albums in ProgArchives and later in this blog which I started twelve years ago.

I now feel I have to review their albums and I will at least try to review all their proper albums and a couple of their movie soundtrack albums as this band has released close to eighty albums. I have seventeen of them in the first batch I will review this and next year.

This album includes the three big ones in the scene, Klaus Schule, Edgar Froese and Conrad Schnitzler. We get five compositions here, taking us to thirty-seven minutes worth of music.

The music is pretty linear and the electronica has some krautrock influences. There are some chiming guitar solos in this pretty dissonant ambient landscape.

The music is, for me, surprisingly good. Not really good but this is still an album somewhere between decent and good. It is also a good introduction to me who are not particular fond of this genre. It is not as alien to me as I expected. Long may that feeling continue on their next albums.

2.5 points





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