Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Sunface - Cloud Castles (2024)

The debut album from this band from Norway.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars and vocals.

Their 2016 debut album Observatory created a lot of attention in the stoner rock crowd and got a lot of very good reviews. This also in this blog as it is a good album.

The music on that album was a mix of melodic psych rock, space rock and stoner rock.

Eight years later and the band returns again with a new album. The music is this time mostly more of the same. However....

The music is much more distorted this time with the vocals put in the back of the mix, behind a wall of bass and guitars.

There are also some indie rock influences here. The Charlatans is a band that springs to mind. The music is also a lot darker this time around.

This album is not Observatory part 2. The band has moved to a more darker sound and artistic expression. The quality is still good though and this is an album well worth checking out.

3 points

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