Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Bird Race - A New Species (2024)

The third album from this band from Great Britain.

This is a one-man-band run by Steve Satori who does all the drums, bass, guitars, vocals and keyboards. 

A female vocalist added some vocals.

Steve Satori has under this name released three albums through Bandcamp. I reviewed the first two albums last month and this is my review of their brand new album. I am sure more albums will follow in the coming years.

The music is a mix of Roxy Music like quirky art-rock and more melodic art-rock. Add in some pop and some neo-prog and Canterbury psych too. There is also some fusion here, although there is less fusion on this album than on the previous two albums.

Some of the material here is leaning towards neo-prog. 

The instrumentation is lush too. The vocals are very good. 

This album is clocking in at one hour and it is Steve's best album so far. It is indeed a very good album.

Fans of quirky art-rock and progressive rock should check out this album.

3.5 points



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