Thursday, May 30, 2024

Inner Road. The - The Last Temple (2023)

The fifth album from this band from Great Britain.

The band is a duo with a lineup of drums, bass, keyboards and guitars.

Some guests added xtra symphonic orchestra instruments and female vocals.

Jacqui Taylor and Steve Cresswell has been around as The Inner Road for a while now. The debut album Visions was released in 2011 and I have reviewed most of the albums, if not all of the albums.

The quality of the albums has been pretty good.

The music on this one hour and fifteen minutes long album is gothic neo-classical music.

It is mostly guitars driven and there is a female opera voice on the top of large parts of this album. Which gives it this gothic rock sound too.

The music follows mostly one theme throughout this album. There is not much variations here. That means this album is a test of patience for the listener.

The music is decent enough. This is not this band's finest hour and they have released far better albums than this album. 

2 points

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