Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Estate Di San Martino. L' - Kim (2022)

The fourth album from this band from Italy.

The band was a seven piece big band with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, flute, harp, saxophones, keyboards and vocals.

A guest added bass on one of the tracks.

I thought I was in for another jazz album on this album based on their previous album ESM#40. An album I did not really find very satisfying. The lineup also gave the impression that jazz was on the menu.

I was proven wrong already during the first ten minutes of this one hour long album.

We are back to RPI again.

That means lush RPI with a lot of fusion, modern rock and old Italiano Pop influences. There is also some electronica during this album.

The vocals are entirely Italian and they are good.

There are some very good details and songs here and there are also some stuff that does not pass muster.

The result is a good album and one the band and their fans should be very happy about. This band is an untraditional RPI band, always has been and this album also proves that. Check it out.

3 points




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